Simple Clock

This tool is designed for you to simply see the current time. With the help of some customization options you'll have the ability to visually change and shape the time and its behaviour to your own preferences. This allows for a beautiful and distraction-free display of the time to be used in all sorts of situations.


#1 - Set the background color

With this option you can set a fixed background color of the entire page. Simply press the circle button and a color picker (different for each browser type) will pop up. Select your prefered color and the background will change automatically within 10 seconds to your chosen color.

A white dot will appear inside of the circle button to indicate that a background color was set. However, if you select the option to "Change the background every 30 seconds" you're selected color will be overridden after 30 seconds. This will basically undo your selection of a fixed background color.

Note: This option is not available in the browser Internet Explorer.

#2 - Change background every 30 seconds

Turn this option on to let you surprise with a new background color every 30 seconds. The transition between the old and the new background will be very smooth and seemless so you should not get distracted by this.

The new background color will be generated randomly while taking into account the brightness of the color. If you've set a fixed background color with the option "Set the background color" then it will not be possible to have this option selected.

#3 - Let the ':' in 'hh:mm' blink each second

If you prefer to have an indication of when one second has passed or you just want to have a bit more motion on the page, you can select this option. The double dots ':' in the displayed time will then blink each second.

This option won't be available if you select the option "Show seconds too, as 'hh:mm:ss'" too.

#4 - Show seconds too, as 'hh:mm:ss'

For the same reasons as the previous option, to see each passed second or to have a bit more motion, you can turn this option on to also show the seconds in the time. By default, the time will be displayed as 'hh:mm'.

When you select the option "Let the ':' in 'hh:mm' blink each second", then this option will be deselected.

#5 - Display in fullscreen mode

When selecting this option, your screen will go in fullscreen mode when showing the time page. Pressing the 'ESC' key on your keyboard will close the fullscreen mode, and also turning back off this option will.

You can also go into fullscreen mode manually by pressing the 'F11' key on your keyboard. Press 'F11' again to close this mode. This tool will not detect when you are in fullscreen mode manually so the slider will not update.

If you have the option "Show this menu on startup" turned off, meaning you will go directly to the time page, and you had the fullscreen mode turned on it could be that you won't enter into a fullscreen page. Certain browsers prevent this, because there needs to be some user interaction first. Therefore a button will appear to still go into fullscreen mode.

Note: This option is not available in the browser Internet Explorer.

#6 - Show this menu on startup

Should it be that you use this tool more regularly, this can be a useful setting to be turned off so that you can skip the options page. When skipping the options page you will directly be shown the time page for a faster and more convenient use of this tool.

Going back to the options page is always possible. When on a device with a keyboard attached, just press the 'Spacebar' key and when you are on another device, like a smartphone, just tap the time once. Easy!

#7 - Save these settings for later use

When you have set your preferences just the way you want them to be, we can make sure to save them so that when you come back later you still have the same settings. No need for account creation or what so ever, your settings will simply be stored locally in the web storage of your browser. We will not use "cookies", which is basically a small text file placed on your computer, so you won't have to deal with that!

Turning off this option means that the settings will be removed from the web storage and won't get updated when you change them, including this setting that the settings should not be saved... Are you still with me?
Since this option is turned on by default, on a next visit this will be turned on.